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What is a toy library?

Toy libraries are community resources to help children learn and grow through play. Similar to a library of books, a toy library enables families to check out toys, enjoy them, and return them before borrowing more. Toy libraries benefit children, families, and communities by:


  • ENCOURAGING PLAY- The American Academy of Pediatrics says that play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth (Ginsburg 2007). Toy libraries help facilitate imaginative play by providing access to hundreds of toys that children might otherwise not encounter because of limitations due to finances or space. With a toy library, children can borrow toys that spark their imagination and simply return toys when they are ready to explore something new.

Toy Shop
  • SAVING MONEY AND PREVENTING CLUTTER- According to a Toy Industry Association report, the average family spends $581 per year on toys. One fifth of households surveyed had over 100 toys. A toy library allows families to save money on buying individual toys and also reduce clutter by returning toys to the library when they have finished enjoying them.

  • REDUCING WASTE- The lifecycle for toys after purchase usually involves play for a few weeks or possibly years, followed by being thrown away or donated. Toy libraries help reduce toy waste and promote a circular economy. Toy library toys have their useful lives extended by years while they are enjoyed by children from multiple households. They also reduce the number of toys that each household needs to buy and store.


It is estimated that there are over 300 toy libraries in the United States, but they can still be hard to come by. Toy libraries are found all over the world, sometimes supported by local government bodies or as part of local public libraries. One thing they all have in common is the mission to encourage growth and development through play. We are thrilled to join the assembly of toy libraries making play accessible for children all over the world.


To learn more about toy libraries, check out these articles:


Every City Should Have a Toy Library by Alexandra Lange. The Atlantic, November 2018


This growing trend lets kids check out games and dolls from a toy libary by Cathy Free, The Washington Post, January 2020

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