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Cleaning Practices

The safety of our members is a top priority. That's why we're committed to following current evidence-based cleaning and sanitation recommendations for our toys to reduce the spread of germs.


  • Nonporous toys will be cleaned with water and detergent, rinsed, sanitized with an EPA-registered disinfectant, rinsed again, and air-dryed. When it is safe to do so, toys may also be cleaned by a mechanical dishwasher. (CDC 2021)

  • Machine washable cloth toys will be laundered before being loaned out again. (CDC 2021)

  • Wooden toys will be wiped down with alcohol-based wipes or alcohol-based spray. (UT Southwestern Medical Center 2020)


These practices will also be applied to toy bags and containers.


Hands in nitrile gloves are cleaning and

We recognize that some of our members may be sensitive to different substances and allergens. We do our best to remove traces of these during the cleaning process but members with extra concerns may want to wipe down toys after picking them up from the library as well.

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